The Fabled Realms

Author: Suyi Davies
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy

Book Blurb

This is Lucas Sinclair – In his Own Words.

Now it’s even clearer how different my friends’ lives are from mine. How I once would have died to be teased for long, curly hair like Dustin’s, but can’t even if I wanted to. How cool means something different for me than it does for them- whether they’re talking nerd cool or popular cool. How, no matter where we go or who I am or who I choose to be. I’ll always be the Black one standing next to them.

Why I Chose This Book

As a Stranger Things fan, I’ve been itching to dive into the YA companion books expanding the stories of the beloved characters. So when I spotted a pristine copy of Stranger Things: Lucas on the Line at the thrift shop for just $1, I obviously had to snatch it up!

Getting to hear Lucas’ perspective in his own words? Sign me up! I’m fascinated by how the supernatural events of the show affect each character differently based on who they are.

Lucas has always been one of the most complex kids, balancing multiple worlds and identities. I’m eager to learn more about what makes him tick straight from the source.

For a buck? The perfect impulse buy for this Stranger Things fan!

While I can’t wait to also dive into the books spotlighting newly beloved characters like Eddie and Robin someday soon, I’m thrilled to start my Stranger Things literary journey with this Lucas-centered story. Let’s peek behind the scenes of Hawkins’ bravest heroes!

About the Post Author

PJ Flip

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