The Fabled Realms

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My Favorite Five Books

My Favorite Five Books: A Journey Through Imagination

PJ FlipFeb 26, 20243 min read

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm glow over my cozy reading nook, I find solace in the company of well-worn pages and captivating narratives. Books have been my steadfast companions, transporting me to distant lands, unraveling mysteries, and igniting my imagination. Today, I invite you to explore my cherished literary treasures—the Read more

Loveuary Jane Austen Hallmark Channel

Love is in the Air with Jane Austen on Hallmark Channel

The Fabled RealmsFeb 1, 20242 min read

Love is in the Air with Jane Austen on Hallmark Channel’s Loveuary 2024 This February, Hallmark Channel is celebrating one of history’s most beloved romance authors with their Loveuary programming event. Get ready for four Saturday night premieres of original romantic movies, all with a Jane Austen twist. The legendary British author Jane Austen is Read more

The Fabled Realms

Welcome to The Fabled Realms

The Fabled RealmsJan 1, 20241 min read

This little online nook dedicated to the magical world of books began as a spark of an idea I had for a series all about a magical bookshop called The Fabled Realms. I may not know how to write an actual book (yet!), but I sure have pages and pages of notes about the enchanting Read more