The Fabled Realms

Review of

Chosen by Kiersten White

Published: 2020-01-09
Nina continues to learn how to use her slayer powers against enemies old and new in this second novel in the New York Times bestselling series from Kiersten White, set in the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Now that Nina has turned the Watcher’s Castle into a utopia for hurt and lonely demons, she’s still waiting for the utopia part to kick in. With her sister Artemis gone and only a few people remaining at the castle–including her still-distant mother–Nina has her hands full. Plus, though she gained back her Slayer powers from Leo, they’re not feeling quite right after being held by the seriously evil succubus Eve, a.k.a. fake Watcher’s Council member and Leo’s mom. And while Nina is dealing with the darkness inside, there’s also a new threat on the outside, portended by an odd triangle symbol that seems to be popping up everywhere, in connection with Sean’s demon drug ring as well as someone a bit closer to home. Because one near-apocalypse just isn’t enough, right? The darkness always finds you. And once again, it’s coming for the Slayer. “Will get Buffy fans up in their feels.” –Entertainment Weekly on Slayer

You know this Buffy fan couldn’t resist cracking open Kiersten White’s slayer sequel after devouring its killer dollar store predecessor! While I sadly had to pay full price to read through Chosen, catching up with my favorite fang-tastic teen took the sting out of that.

As the saga continues, White fuses fresh slayer lore with nostalgic Easter eggs only a true Buffy scholar could craft. We’ve still got sly winks to Kristy Swanson’s original big-screen Buffy and the ‘90s TV crew, along with ever-deepening dives into the shadowy history of slayers and watchers.

I adored watching wayward slayer Nina continue to come into her own alongside the book’s new perspectives. The tensions between tradition and found family keep the story as thoughtfully compelling as it is bloody entertaining!

While I missed the dollar store discovery thrill, Chosen earns 4 stars for reuniting me with this dark, funny, and femme-powered world. White continues to work her magic, weaving new threads into the Buffy tapestry I know and love. She slays again!

About the Reviewer

PJ Flip

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