The Fabled Realms

The Fabled Realms

  • The Allure of the Bookdragon Life


    The Allure of the Bookdragon Life

    Greetings, fellow book lovers! Today I’m indulging in some light-hearted daydreaming around our treasured passion – getting lost in pages upon pages of glorious books. More specifically, I wanted to have a little fun contrasting two uber-nerdy stereotypes that speak to me – bookdragons and bookworms. You may be familiar with bookworms, those studious creatures…

  • Welcome to The Fabled Realms


    Welcome to The Fabled Realms

    This little online nook dedicated to the magical world of books began as a spark of an idea I had for a series all about a magical bookshop called The Fabled Realms. I may not know how to write an actual book (yet!), but I sure have pages and pages of notes about the enchanting…